

The first recorded medical use of copper is found in the Smith Papyrus, one of the oldest books known. The Papyrus is an Egyptian medical text, written between 2600 and 2200 B.C., which records the use of copper to sterilise chest wounds and to sterilise drinking water.

The first recorded observation of copper's role in the immune system in modern times was published in 1867 when it was reported that, during the cholera epidemics in Paris of 1832, 1849 and 1852, copper workers were immune to cholera.

The first recorded medical use of copper is found in the Smith Papyrus, one of the oldest books known. The Papyrus is an Egyptian medical text, written between 2600 and 2200 B.C., which records the use of copper to sterilise chest wounds and to sterilise drinking water.

The first recorded observation of copper's role in the immune system in modern times was published in 1867 when it was reported that, during the cholera epidemics in Paris of 1832, 1849 and 1852, copper workers were immune to cholera.

Wound Healing

Copper is recognised as one of the essential nutrients for humans due to its role in physiological processes in all human tissues. Studies have shown that copper ions aid the complex biological process of healing wounds by regulating the activity of crucial proteins. Or, if you like getting even more technical than that, copper promotes angiogenesis and skin ECM formation + stabilisation.

We've seen this first hand with our own Copper Slices. If you're interested in using copper for wound healing, you might like to read about Olivka's experience healing her motorcycle burn wound with copper here.

You can also read a full scientific study into copper and wound healing here – "Copper, an Abandoned Player Returning to the Wound Healing Battle".

Copper is recognised as one of the essential nutrients for humans due to its role in physiological processes in all human tissues. Studies have shown that copper ions aid the complex biological process of healing wounds by regulating the activity of crucial proteins. Or, if you like getting even more technical than that, copper promotes angiogenesis and skin ECM formation + stabilisation.

We've seen this first hand with our own Copper Slices. If you're interested in using copper for wound healing, you might like to read about Olivka's experience healing her motorcycle burn wound with copper here.

You can also read a full scientific study into copper and wound healing here – "Copper, an Abandoned Player Returning to the Wound Healing Battle".

Need more convincing? Here are 12 different known health benefits of copper.

Need more convincing? Here are 12 different known health benefits of copper.

1. Copper
kills bacteria

It has been scientifically proven that copper kills bacteria – such as E.coli, Salmonella and Cholera – and can eliminate viruses such as Swine Flu and Covid-19.

You can read more about this on our Science page, which includes links to relevant scientific studies.

1. Copper kills bacteria

It has been scientifically proven that copper kills bacteria – such as E.coli, Salmonella and Cholera – and can eliminate viruses such as Swine Flu and Covid-19.

You can read more about this on our Science page, which includes links to relevant scientific studies.

2. Copper stimulates your brain

Our brain works by transmitting impulses from one neuron to another through an area known as the synapses. These neurons are covered by a sheath called the myelin sheath that acts like a sort of conductive agent – helping the flow of impulses. Copper helps in the synthesis of phospholipids that are essential for the formation of these myelin sheaths, thereby making your brain work much faster and more efficiently. Copper is also known to have brain stimulant and anti-convulsive properties (prevents seizures).

A recent study conducted by researchers at the Washington University School of Medicine in St.

2. Copper stimulates your brain

Our brain works by transmitting impulses from one neuron to another through an area known as the synapses. These neurons are covered by a sheath called the myelin sheath that acts like a sort of conductive agent – helping the flow of impulses. Copper helps in the synthesis of phospholipids that are essential for the formation of these myelin sheaths, thereby making your brain work much faster and more efficiently. Copper is also known to have brain stimulant and anti-convulsive properties (prevents seizures).

A recent study conducted by researchers at the Washington University School of Medicine in St.Louis found that copper circuits and the flow of copper in the brain are vital for one's learning ability and memory.

Dr. Jonathan Gitlin, senior author of the study noted:

"Why don't we think a hundred times better than we do? One answer to that question is, perhaps we could - if the brain could make the right connections.

We've found that copper modulates very critical events within the central nervous system that influence how well we think."

You can read the full study and its findings here.

Louis found that copper circuits and the flow of copper in the brain are vital for one's learning ability and memory.

Dr. Jonathan Gitlin, senior author of the study noted:

"Why don't we think a hundred times better than we do? One answer to that question is, perhaps we could - if the brain could make the right connections.

We've found that copper modulates very critical events within the central nervous system that influence how well we think."

You can read the full study and its findings here.

3. Copper slows down ageing

3. Copper slows down ageing

If you are worried about the appearance of fine lines, copper is your natural remedy. Packed with very strong anti-oxidant and cell-forming properties, copper fights off free radicals – one of the main reasons for the formation of fine lines – and helps in the production of new and healthy skin cells. Both these properties make copper a sure-fire way to beat fine lines.

Copper is also a key component in collagen production. Collagen is an abundant protein in our body that provides the structure for skin, bone, and connective tissue. In fact, collagen is responsible for making up 75 percent of our skin composition. Skin with plenty of collagen tends to be firm, elastic, and youthful-looking. As our bodies age, collagen formation slows down. This reduction in collagen formation manifests itself in wrinkles, saggy skin, and a lack of elasticity.

This slowing down of collagen production is correlated with a decreased presence of something called “GHK-cu copper peptides” in blood plasma as we age. Studies have shown that at the age of 20, GHK-cu copper peptides exist in a concentration of about 200 ng/mL in blood plasma (that’s 200 nanograms per millilitre). By the age of 60, that number decreases to about 80 ng/mL.5. That’s quite a drop.

Copper is taking its rightful place as a beneficial addition in any anti-aging skin care practice. It boosts collagen and elastin production, protects against oxidative stress, and helps promote skin hydration. All of these elements add up to skin that’s firmer, more elastic, and less wrinkled.

4. Copper aids in weight loss

If your diet just doesn’t seem to be helping you lose weight, try drinking copper infused water first thing in the morning. Apart from fine tuning your digestive system to perform better, copper also helps your body break down fat and eliminate it more efficiently. Thereby helping your body keep only what it will use and throw out the rest.

4. Copper aids in weight loss

If your diet just doesn’t seem to be helping you lose weight, try drinking copper infused water first thing in the morning. Apart from fine tuning your digestive system to perform better, copper also helps your body break down fat and eliminate it more efficiently. Thereby helping your body keep only what it will use and throw out the rest.

Copper Peptides Assist The Health Of Skin & Hair


The Physiological Role of Copper


Copper Essential for Burning Fat, Researchers Find


Copper Peptides Assist
The Health Of Skin & Hair


The Physiological Role
Of Copper


Copper Essential For Burning
Fat, Researchers Find


5. Copper helps the digestive system perform better

One of the most common problems encountered these days is indigestion. Acidity, gas or simply the inability to digest certain foods are common and here is where copper comes to your rescue. Copper has properties that stimulates peristalsis (the rhythmic contraction and relaxation of the stomach that helps food get digested and move along the digestive tract), kills harmful bacteria and reduces inflammation within the stomach– making it a great remedy for ulcers, indigestion and infections.

5. Copper helps the digestive system perform better

One of the most common problems encountered these days is indigestion. Acidity, gas or simply the inability to digest certain foods are common and here is where copper comes to your rescue. Copper has properties that stimulates peristalsis (the rhythmic contraction and relaxation of the stomach that helps food get digested and move along the digestive tract), kills harmful bacteria and reduces inflammation within the stomach– making it a great remedy for ulcers, indigestion and infections.

Apart from that copper also helps cleanse and detox your stomach, regulates the working of your liver and kidneys, aids in the proper elimination of waste and ensures the absorption of nutrients from food.

According to Ayurveda, if you want to help detox your stomach, drink a large glass of copper infused water, early in the morning on an empty stomach.

6. Copper helps maintain cardiovascular health and beats hypertension

Heart disease is one of the most common ailments that most people suffer from, and copper helps minimize your risk of developing the disease. According to the American Cancer Society, copper has been found to help regulate blood pressure, heart rate and lowers one’s cholesterol and triglyceride levels. It also helps to prevent the accumulation of plaque and has the documented effect of dilating blood vessels to allow for the better flow of blood to the heart. It also helps lower one’s triglyceride levels.

6. Copper helps maintain cardiovascular health and beats hypertension

Heart disease is one of the most common ailments that most people suffer from, and copper helps minimize your risk of developing the disease. According to the American Cancer Society, copper has been found to help regulate blood pressure, heart rate and lowers one’s cholesterol and triglyceride levels. It also helps to prevent the accumulation of plaque and has the documented effect of dilating blood vessels to allow for the better flow of blood to the heart. It also helps lower one’s triglyceride levels.

7. Copper can help fight off cancer

Copper has very strong antioxidant properties that helps fight off free radicals and negate their ill effects – one of the main reasons for the development of cancer. According to the American Cancer Society the exact mechanism of how copper helps prevent the onset of cancer is still not known but some studies have shown that copper complexes can have a considerable anti cancer effect. Read about copper complexes in cancer therapy here.

7. Copper can help fight off cancer

Copper has very strong antioxidant properties that helps fight off free radicals and negate their ill effects – one of the main reasons for the development of cancer. According to the American Cancer Society the exact mechanism of how copper helps prevent the onset of cancer is still not known but some studies have shown that copper complexes can have a considerable anti cancer effect. Read about copper complexes in cancer therapy here.

8. Copper helps heal wounds faster

Known for its immense anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-inflammatory properties, it's no wonder that copper is a great way to heal wounds quickly. Copper is also known to strengthen your immune system and aid in the production on new cells. What's more – its healing properties don’t cease with helping the body externally; copper is also known to help wounds within the body, especially the stomach. You can read more here.

Egyptians used copper for wound care. Egyptians would use copper to sharpen their swords, and it’s what they would fill their wounds with to prevent infection and speed up recovery time. They’d also use copper as a treatment to cure headaches, purify drinking water, and even to help with skin conditions.

Egyptians used copper for wound care. Egyptians would use copper to sharpen their swords, and it’s what they would fill their wounds with to prevent infection and speed up recovery time. They’d also use copper as a treatment to cure headaches, purify drinking water, and even to help with skin conditions.

Copper Complexes: A Unique Class of Anti-Arthritic Drugs


Copper And Thyroid Benefits


Using Copper To Improve The Well Being of The Skin


Copper Complexes: A Unique
Class of Anti-Arthritic Drugs


Copper And Thyroid


Using Copper To Improve
The Well Being of The Skin


9. Copper balances thyroid gland function

Experts say that one commonality amongst people with thyroid diseases is that they usually have low levels of copper in their body. While this is most commonly seen in people with hyperthyroidism (excessive thyroid hormone), those with hypothyroidism (low levels of thyroid hormone) may also suffer from this deficiency. Copper is one of the most important trace minerals the thyroid gland needs to function optimally. A lack in copper can send the functioning of the gland out of sync. So when you drink copper infused water it makes up for this possible deficiency and regulates the functioning of the thyroid gland.

9. Copper balances thyroid gland function

Experts say that one commonality amongst people with thyroid diseases is that they usually have low levels of copper in their body. While this is most commonly seen in people with hyperthyroidism (excessive thyroid hormone), those with hypothyroidism (low levels of thyroid hormone) may also suffer from this deficiency. Copper is one of the most important trace minerals the thyroid gland needs to function optimally. A lack in copper can send the functioning of the gland out of sync. So when you drink copper infused water it makes up for this possible deficiency and regulates the functioning of the thyroid gland.

10. Copper can relieve arthritis and inflamed joints

Copper has very potent anti-inflammatory properties. This asset is especially great to relieve aches and pains caused due to inflamed joints. Apart from that, copper also has bone and immune system strengthening properties, making it the perfect remedy for arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.

10. Copper can relieve arthritis and inflamed joints

Copper has very potent anti-inflammatory properties. This asset is especially great to relieve aches and pains caused due to inflamed joints. Apart from that, copper also has bone and immune system strengthening properties, making it the perfect remedy for arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.

This is where drinking water infused with copper is a great way to find relief from the aches and pains of these diseases.

In the 19th century, 1939 to be exact, a German medical researcher came to the realization that copper miners didn’t experience symptoms of arthritis when they were working in copper mines. It was soon after that medical doctors began using a copper treatment for patients suffering from arthritis, sciatica, neck pain, and back pain.

11. Copper assists skin health and melanin production

If you have acne or blemish on your skin? We suggest you drink copper infused water in the morning and notice the difference. Copper is the main component in the production of melanin (a pigment that mitigates the colour of your eyes, hair and skin) in our bodies.

11. Copper assists skin health and melanin production

If you have acne or blemish on your skin? We suggest you drink copper infused water in the morning and notice the difference. Copper is the main component in the production of melanin (a pigment that mitigates the colour of your eyes, hair and skin) in our bodies.

Apart from that copper also aids in the production of new cells that help replenish the top most layers of your skin. While melanin helps the body stay safe from sun damage, speeds up wound healing and covers up scars, the production of new cells is a bost for smooth, blemish free and clear skin. Ayurveda experts say that drinking copper water on a regular basis, especially early in the morning, can be the difference between acne and clear skin. You can also look at our copper skin product range to help in this area.